Monday, September 27, 2010

What A Emma!

My daughter is amazing! I don't want to brag, but there is nothing else I can do. She sleeps through the night, and this morning!...I wake her up and we are all smiles and giggles. One lesson to learn right there! Why can't we wake up like that, feeling as if the sun rises only for us every day?

Emma went with my mom and dad to Atlantic City yesterday. Day trip, a nice break for me and Kyle and a ton of fun for the grandparents. Apparently, my daughter is "perfect" and "such a good girl" and "so advanced" etc. Yes! And she is starting school on Friday. I enrolled her to the Lighthouse Christian Academy, where she will start in the 2-year-old group and will have a curriculum already! I am very excited about this, although Ms. Amber did a wonderful job with her so far.

You see how big she is? Sitting at the table in that restaurant with my dad like a little baroness. Come on, gloomy Monday! Be done already so I could hold my baby in my arms again!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sooo tired!

Sooo tired! I just wanna sleep. And the more I sleep, the more I want to sleep! Ugh! And when I am not sleeping, I just want to puke or have a killer headache. I can't wait for this first trimester to be over. Other than these typical pregnancy symptoms, life is good. Have a ton of stuff to do and a major need to create some discipline in my life. I think without order, chaos is evident. I need to stop procrastinating, and usually that is never a problem, it's just that I am sooo tired and all I wanna do is sleep! So there it is: the circle closes and begins...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

HOT DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since I opened my eyes this morning, I cannot stop thinking about Hot Dogs. I think I will literally DIE if I don't get to bite into a juicy hot dog soon. If I close my eyes, there are thousands of hot dogs flying at me and I am like Homer Simpson in slow motion devouring each.

Now at this point, I am only 6 weeks pregnant! This is not going to be good, although if you'd ask my husband, Kyle, he'd probably say that this craving, although not quite healthy, is as economical as it can be. When I was pregnant with Emma, I wanted nothing but cream of spinach. Again, not expensive, but much better for your health. about 13 minutes, I am flying to the nearest place to get hot dogs...because dying at this point is just not an option. Hmmm...what should I have on it?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tiny arms around me

Despite the fact that Emma is going through her little devil-phase of independence, the nights and mornings are such blessings. We play games and we hug. She puts those tiny hands around me, patting my shoulders, saying: "Nice mommy! Nice mommy!" Then with a sudden change of heart she pushes me away and I say: "All done?" This makes her laugh out loud and she kindly pulls me back, giving me more love and pats on the back, saying: "Aww, mommy! Nice mommy!" Then repeat!

She's been fascinated by spiders. She spotted a daddy longleg on her window a few days ago, so now we sit in the window for hours and wait for the PIE (spider) to return. "Where's the PIE?" -she'd ask.  Cute!

Can't wait to get off work and fly home to see her! Can't wait for those tiny arms!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I am going to attempt this. Because I should. Because writing is NOT my forte. Because my mom keeps telling me that I should write and record my memories. We shall see what comes of it and how diligent I will be. Hopefully diligent enough to give my loved ones the big picture. Especially that cute one in the picture and her sibling(s) to come. That's Emma, my first-born.